

About Us

我们两种都有 文科副学士(AA)和理科副学士(AS-T)学位课程 对下列职业感兴趣的学生:

  1. 执法;
  2. 警察、社区或惩教人员;
  3. Pre-law;
  4. 刑事司法.

我们的课程采用社会科学中成熟的学术理论进行教学 从从业者的角度来看. 有了这个,我们的学生意识到了 了解司法专业人员所做的工作,并对其表示赞赏 政治,社会,文化和哲学的力量塑造政策和 practices in the 司法行政 system.

我们的两年制课程结合了矫正、执法和安全方面的教学 通识教育课程. The program has been authorized by the Commission 韦德1946治安官标准和培训以及惩戒委员会提供了一些建议 技术及专业课程.

夏博学院一直是“2+2+3法学院路径倡议”的骄傲参与者 自成立以来. We are currently updating our program and will resume our participation 在完成. Please check back soon for additional information! Learn more

Contact Us


Cheryl L. 麦基先生.
(510) 723-6973
Office: 400年建筑, room 454M

Info TBA






参加ADMJ项目的学生有一个 收入增长143%.




执法职业, 4月25日中午,557房间
尤杰哈尔·辛格警官是联合市警察局的一名现场训练官, 将分享他对高回报的职业机会的经验和见解 可用于执法. He’ll discuss the important role of community policing, 招聘过程,还有警察
简历及求职信写作工作坊, 5月2日中午,通过Zoom
职业顾问John Salangsang会对简历和求职信的写作提出最好的建议 practices. 
会议编号:871 7822 8319
The Psychological Experience of First Responders, 5月9日中午,1801室
Dr. 鸟叔安妮·比塞克.D.是一名临床心理学家
extensive experience supporting various types of first
responders, including communications personnel,
firefighters, hospital care staff, law enforcement
军官和退伍军人. 的专家
创伤后应激障碍(PTSD). Bisek将
psychologists working with first responders, covering
aspects such as fieldwork and pathways to pursue this


Summer courses are available for you to register in today, don't wait!! Log on to your Class Web to see additional details and register with the CRN.



加入法律 & 正义俱乐部

俱乐部于每月第二个星期四下午12点至1点在557室开会. 来加入我们吧!

If you would like to join the club and receive emails, please email us at chabotlawandjustice@gmail.com


Follow the 司法行政 Department on Instagram @ChabotCollegeADMJ  
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夏博学院提供管理转学副学士学位 专门为学生转学到加州州立大学而设计的 University offering a major in 司法行政/Criminal Justice. View the 必修课程.

司法管理学位为学生在司法领域的职业生涯做好准备 law enforcement, probation, parole, security, and related criminal justice fields 以及相关的技术职业. View the 必修课程.

执法- 成绩证书 (30 units)
在执法成就证书提供加州委员会 和平干事标准和培训(POST)认证的基本执法培训 and satisfies the entry-level training requirement for California peace officers, 如欧盟委员会条例1005所规定. 它让学生为入门级的和平做好准备 officer positions in local and state law enforcement agencies. 综合课程作业, 由经验丰富的执法人员和法律专业人士授课,结合职业能力 以及实际知识的技术技能. 课程主题包括:领导力; 专业和道德,刑事司法系统,社区关系,刑事 法律,调查报告写作,犯罪现场调查,法医学,信息 systems, cultural diversity/bias and procedural justice. 候选人必须符合州 申请年龄不低于20岁,学院年龄不低于21岁 graduation. Candidates must also be a US citizen or have an accepted application for 申请美国国籍. All coursework and training occurs at the Alameda County 警长地区培训中心. 

Community and Organizational Leadership in the Justice System - 成绩证书 (18 units)
社区和组织领导证书是一个跨学科的, 考察意义、价值、实践和制度的多门课程 的领导. The certificate integrates commitment to personal and professional development; including understanding influence through interpersonal communication 技能,领导有效的团队,解决冲突,并创造一个积极的学习 组织文化. The integration of these skills within the administration 司法系统将导致更有效的专业和社区互动, 并为学生提供有效领导的框架、技能和知识 推动变革.


司法行政 40: Juvenile Procedures (3 Units)
This course is an examination of the origin, development, and organization of the 美国青少年司法制度的演变.S. 司法系统. 本课程探讨 理论集中在少年法,法院和程序,和宪法 在美国,青少年也受到保护.S. 司法系统.

司法行政 41: Legal Persuasion and Argument (3 Units)
This course is an examination of the strategies for recognizing and evaluating the 相互矛盾的陈述
其他人,包括受害者、非专业证人、专家证人和其他专业人员 在…领域内
司法行政. They will also learn how to gather, analyze and interpret 成文法,判例法,数据
还有其他信息. Upon completion of this course, students will also learn to 批判性地思考
独立地用事实支持自己的书面和口头有说服力的论点, 研究和逻辑.

司法行政 42: Leadership and Integrity (3 Units)
本课程将探讨领导力、有效沟通和组织的影响 integrity in establishing trust in the 司法行政 system. Beginning 通过与市民的初步接触来判断和处罚,本课程将 分析影响法律的复杂程序和过程的挑战 制度和人民的生活. This course will emphasize the importance of ethical behavior and ethical leadership by individuals and organizations as a philosophy.

这是一门探讨刑事司法特征的入门课程 在美国的制度. The course covers the history, theory, and philosophy 司法和原则的演变,业务实践, and structure of the police, courts, and corrections agencies. 特别强调 是放在犯罪的测量,犯罪的理论解释,和挑战 and opportunities for law enforcement in an increasingly diverse society. Students 介绍了刑法的起源和发展,法律程序,和 量刑和监禁政策. 这门课程也在网上提供.

司法行政 54:  Investigative Reporting (3 Units)
Investigative reports with emphasis upon accuracy and necessary details. Includes arrest reports, incident reports and miscellaneous field reports. 技术与方法 used to cover information; how to analyze and present information in a clear and concise report. 

司法行政 55: Introduction to Correctional Science (3 Units)
This course provides a critical analysis of punishment and the modern correctional process as utilized in the rehabilitation of adult and juvenile offenders. 探索 各种各样的惩罚,惩罚的替代方案,矫正的类型 institutions, and the impact of punishment on the criminal 司法系统. 

司法行政 60: Criminal Law (3 Units)
This course offers an analysis of the doctrine of criminal liability in the United 国家和对人身、财产、道德和公共犯罪的分类 welfare. Special emphasis is placed on the classification of crime, the general elements 特别的犯罪,以及对犯罪的辩护. 本课程运用判例法和案例 研究向学生介绍刑法,将包括一些有限的讨论 of prosecution and defense decision making, criminal culpability, and defenses to crime. 这门课程也在网上提供. 

司法行政 61: Evidence (3 Units)
本课程探讨了宪法的起源、发展、哲学和宪法基础 为了证据规则. During the course of the semester, we will explore the 规定审判时可接受的资料种类的规则和政策; 执法人员如何适当地搜集和取得证据 how evidence may be considered by the judge and/or jury. 主题从 既有理论观点,又有实践观点. 

司法行政 63: Criminal Investigation (3 Units)
本课程涉及调查中的技术、程序和伦理问题 犯罪,包括调查过程的组织,犯罪现场搜查, 采访和审讯,监视,信息来源,证据的利用, 证据的科学分析和调查人员在审判过程中的作用.

司法行政 70: Community Relations (3 Units)
This course examines the complex, dynamic relationship between communities and the 司法系统 in addressing crime and conflict with an emphasis on the challenges and prospects of administering justice within a diverse multicultural population. 涵盖的主题可能包括预防犯罪,恢复性司法,解决冲突, and ethics.

司法行政 80: Criminal Court Process (3 Units)
This course examines due process and the constitutional, statutory and rule-based 在刑事案件的正式处理过程中出现的问题,从预逮捕到 审判和上诉. 这门课程也在网上提供. 

司法行政 85: Introduction to Forensics (3 Units)
本课程介绍了法医学在刑事调查中的作用. 它检查了在犯罪现场,模式的法医分析中使用的方法 evidence, instruments, firearms, documents and controlled substances.

司法行政 89: Family Violence (3 Units)
Origins of violence in the family including child abuse from the administration of 正义的角度. Specific types of violent interactions and abuse among family 会员及负责任的成年人. Emphasis on techniques for use by peace officers and other social service professionals to intervene effectively.


Disclosure Requirements for Federal Gainful 就业 Regulations